RICCOMAGNO, born in Genoa, Italy, July 13, 1948. CURRICULUM
EDUCATION: Catholic University of Milan (J.D., 1972);
State University of Milan, Department of International Law (Post Graduate
Research Fellow, 1972-1976); City of London Polytechnic (Diploma, 1972);
Parker School - Columbia University (Diploma, 1980); professional training
with international lawfirms in London and Milan.
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Admitted to the Italian Bar
(1974) and to the Supreme Court of Italy (1989); founder of Studio Legale
Riccomagno (1983).
ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTION: Professor appointed by the Faculty
of Law of the University of Genoa and holder of a course of lectures
on contracts of navigation (2004); Lecturer on issues of shipping law,
multimodal transport and contracts of terminal operators at master programmes
of the State University of Milan (2001) and the University of Genoa
LANGUAGES: Italian (mother tongue), English, French.
PRACTICE AREAS: Shipping and maritime law, law of transports
(road, railway and multimodal carriage), international transactions,
sales, international litigation, maritime arbitration and international
commercial arbitration.
PUBLICATIONS: Co-author of: “The Code of International
Conventions”, Giuffrè Editore (1977); “Liability
of Lawyers and Insurance”, Kluwer (1995); “Multimodal transport
in the today legal reality”, Giappichelli Editore (1996); author
of more forty articles on issues of shipping law, multimodal transport,
European transport law, international commercial arbitration, maritime
arbitration, ADR, international sales law, international litigation
published in national and foreign legal journals and reviews including:
Il Diritto Marittimo, European Transport Law, Il Foro Padano, P &
I, Arbitration, Trasporti, Diritto dei Trasporti.
MEMBERSHIP: Genoa Bar; Italian Maritime Arbitration
Association; Council Member of the Italian Arbitration Association (Rome);
Director of the European Maritime Law Organization (London); ICC Member
of the Standing Committee of International Maritime Arbitration Organization
(Paris), Italian Member in the Working Group of the EC Directive on
Services within the Conseil des Barreaux Européens, President
of the Ligurian Section of the European Court of Arbitration. ACI Arb.;
Supporting Member of LMAA; Member of the International Bar Association
(Council Member of the Section on Business Law, 1992-1996) and of the
International Law Association; Member of the Governing Council of the
International Resolution Institute (Abuja, Nigeria).
ACCREDITED ARBITRATOR: China Maritime Arbitration Commission,
Dubai International Arbitration Centre, Chambre Arbitrale de Monaco,
Maritime Arbitration Court of Genoa. |